Ready for Growth?
Are your company executives up-to-date with the leadership and organization skills needed to foster continued growth, sustainability, and success? Do your employees feel prepared to thrive in a post-pandemic world? Does your company struggle with engagement and performance due to working remotely? Has the culture of your company been impacted due to new constraints?
Now more than ever, executives and leaders have special challenges that require unique solutions. Today’s companies are being faced with unprecedented changes as they learn how to navigate 2021 and the uncertainty that accompanies it. How we behave in stressful situations speaks volumes to a company brand. When a company says yes to coaching, they are saying yes to building a culture that overcomes adversity and embraces change.
Stratengy partners with you to develop innovative business strategies that integrate management training, executive coaching, and employee engagement to increase human performance and deliver differentiating bottom-line results.
Richelle J.
Principal Training Specialist at Medtronic
"Highly recommend"
"Not only did Heather help me identify areas of opportunity to focus on for both my personal and professional development, but she also helped me truly pinpoint the root cause of some of my behaviors. I would highly recommend Heather to anyone seeking a coach!"
Mindi E.
Regional Nurse Consultant at Mission Health Communities
"Exceptional wisdom"​
"Heather is an amazing, inspirational instructor. She guided me through my leadership courses with grace and exceptional wisdom. Heather not only helped me be a better leader, she helped me be a better person!"
Susan W.
National Account Manager at PDI Sani Professional
"Overall more effective"
"Heather taught me new ways to utilize my skills and strengths, become a better communicator with internal and external stakeholders, and to challenge myself to become an overall more effective national account manager."
"Try not to be a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value."
Adapted from Albert Einstein